The listed rates include the OCPI taxes and are purely informational. Depending on case the rates can be negociated.
Cadastral Documentations for the Enrollment in the Land Registry: Lands Tabulations
– smaller or equal to 1Ha = 1000 RON (with maximum 2 existing constructions)
* above 1Ha – negociable
Cadastral Documentations for the Enrollment in the Land Registry: Apartment Tabulations
* 800 RON
Cadastral Documentations for the Enrollment in the Land Registry – New Constructions Tabulations
Land Detachments / Attachments
* 2pieces = 900 RON
* 3pieces = 1100 RON
* 4pieces = 1300 RON
* 5pieces = 1500 RON
* 6pieces = 1800 RON (3060 RON/piece)
Tracing property limits – 70RON/traced point (above 10 points – negociable)
The rates for the topographic services varies based on many criterias, so for an exact cost evaluation, please contact us.